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TLC will provide you with high-quality Direct Therapy and ABA-based educational services.

Programs & Services


Comprehensive ABA Therapy

TLC’s Comprehensive Therapy programs are individualized for each learner, with minimum weekly therapy hours of 15 hours to target individual goals that are identified through assessment and by the child's family and clinical team, across a range of domains.  TLC’s Comprehensive Therapy is implemented in a 1-1 format by experienced Instructor Therapists, supervised by an experienced clinicians, and directed by an OCT and a Psychologist.


Focused ABA Therapy

TLC’s Focus ABA Therapy targets essential foundational skills that prepare a child for learning in a variety of environments and protect against the development of problem behaviour.  Implemented between 6-14 hours per week, target skill-areas include functional communication, toleration of delays and denials, transitions between preferred and non-preferred activities, relinquishing preferred items to others, cooperation, and pre-academic programs.  TLC’s Focused ABA Therapy is implemented in a 1-1 format by a qualified and experienced Instructor Therapist, supervised by an experienced, and directed by an OCT and a Psychologist.


Complex Special Needs Services

TLC’s Complex Special Needs (CSN) services have been developed and are implemented to serve a client base that requires more intensive and focused support than clients in our Focused and Comprehensive ABA programs.  Additional support related to Complex Special Needs Services can include 2-1 therapist-client staffing ratios, and/or increased direct support from clinicians and directors.


School Readiness Program

TLC’s School Readiness program is run in a small-group setting, with a 1:3 ratio of instructors to learners.  TLC’s School Readiness Program focuses on building foundational learning and school skills, including co-regulation with a teacher, independence during school routines, group learning and play skills.  Children attend 15 hours per week from Monday to Friday.  TLC’s School Readiness program is implemented by experienced ECEs and Instructor Therapists, supervised by an OCT, and guided by a Psychologist.



Therapeutic Learning Centre’s Tutoring program will be offered to all school aged children.  This program provides 1:1 support to children with specific academic needs.  TLC’s tutoring program can help students practice skills learned at school, maintain skills over the summer, or prepare students to enter school by teaching school readiness skills.  Tutoring is offered Monday-Friday 8:30 am-6:30 pm and on Saturday from 10:00 am – 2:00 pm.


Social Skills Groups

Therapeutic Learning Centre's ABA based Social Skills Groups will bring children between the ages of 7-12 and 10-15 together in a social setting to implement programs developed to meet the needs of the group.  Past program themes have included Navigating Social Relationships; Teamwork and Sportsmanship; Community Participation; Celebrating Individual Differences; and Healthy Body, Healthy Mind. TLC's Social Skills Groups are run by experienced therapists and educators, developed and supervised by an OCT, and guided by a Psychologist, and have a 4:1 ratio of children to therapists.  


Therapeutic Learning Centre's Counselling services are individualized and provided by an MSW/RSW.  All counselling services are developed collaboratively with the client and their family.  Counselling services can be paid for through private insurance coverage.   


Consultative Services

Therapeutic Learning Centre's Consultation Services are offered to any parent or guardian in need of short-term behavioural services, such as toilet training programs, behaviour reduction programs, feeding programs, or any other behaviour modification needs, as well as support during school meetings, and in collaboration with other professionals.  Consultation services are offered year round, and the implementation and schedule of these services are flexible to fit the needs of each individual case. 


Parent Training & Parent Mediated Intervention

Therapeutic Learning Centre's Parent Training & Parent Mediated Intervention services are provided to parents to increase their knowledge and skills specific to their child's needs.  Parent focused services can be provided in-centre or in-home, and are individualized to meet the needs of each family.  



Therapeutic Learning Centre provides some respite services to children with a diagnosis of ASD.  Space is limited and preference is given to children who are already receiving other services at our organization.



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